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Story Performance Affinity Collaboration Engagement




DISCOVER Story Bridge

A high performing social technology created by



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Story Bridge is a participant-driven process of collecting community stories and transforming them into theater to bring diverse groups of people together, build authentic relationships, empower campaigns for social transformation, and build Beloved Community. Click the button below to learn more.


Story Bridge projects have received much media coverage at the local, regional, and national levels. American Theatre Magazine calls Story Bridge a "gem of cultural democracy." Click the button to listen to the recent NPR "Planet Money" episode on Swamp Gravy, the first Story Bridge project. 



Social scientists around the country study Story Bridge and its impact on communities with multiple doctoral dissertations written on this process. Click the button below to view a PowerPoint highlighting key research findings and evaluation results on Story Bridge projects and programs.

Play-in-a-Day Workshop

Collaborating with the award-winning Lopez Community Land Trust, Story Bridge came to Lopez Island, WA in March 2018. We created a "Play-in-a-Day" workshop  followed by a second day of community dialogue and visioning.

Diverse community members came together to unite in deepened relationship and chart pathways for  Affordable Housing and sustainable agriculture.

Interview with Kevn Iega Jeff

 Kevin Iega Jeff is a Story Bridge artist of 20 years, founder of Deeply Rooted Dance Theater in Chicago, multiply award-winning and internationally acclaimed dancer and choreographer. In this interview, Iega shares how Story, Art and Community have become anchors of his life, and what he does to support communities to set these anchors. 

Story Bridge Documentary

 This film brings you behind and into the scenes at Abbeville, Louisiana, where we worked passionately with local people on Cross Currents, a Story Bridge play that opened in March, 2017. Discover how this life-transforming theatrical experience built community from within and across boundaries.

“The most important work being done in Theater today.”

— Studs Terkel, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and actor

“A community building process that's grounded firmly in theater, integral psychology, and deep respect for people & place.”

— Anne Stadler, award-winning international community builder


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